Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Review: Clair Cassis - Luxury Absolute

Artist: Clair Cassis
Title: Luxury Absolute
Format: EP
Year: 2011
Label: Not yet released, probably Khrysanthoney
Genre: Droning Black Metal
Rating: 72 / 100

Somewhere in 2009 just after the release of Velvet Cacoon's Atropine and P aa Opal Poere Pr. 33, Josh probably decided it was enough and formed Clair Cassis. In both line-ups there are multiple other members mentioned (with exciting names like Angela and Daniel Marvin), but as there are so many lies spread by Josh surrounding his music, I will for now assume he is the only member. The sound of Clair Cassis' records are basically the same as the Velvet Cacoon records, the only difference being the length of the songs and the absence of any ambient tracks (thank some imaginary creature). And as I never get sick of this droning type of Black Metal, I also enjoyed all three Clair Cassis EP's. This third one is more of the same, more low-tuned, atmospheric bassy music, apparently inspired by luxury, parfume and, if those stories are true, drugs. Songs are really short for this type of music, while most Velvet Cacoon songs are around the 5 minute mark, only one song on this EP lasts longer than 3 minutes. Oh, how I love lengthy songs, aiming for some kind of climax, few things are better than sex, but I just tried to describe something which approaches it more than anything this life can give you.

Ok, you will not find anything like that on this record, period. What's left is one giant haze of out-of-this-world tones, guided by what seems to be a drumcomputer and followed by the same raspy vocals as those found on the early Velvet Cacoon albums. If you liked those, there is little to dislike about Luxury Absolute, if you felt like throwing up while listening to Genevieve and/or Dextronaut there is very little to like about this album. Nothing has improved since, but improvement has never been necessary. Multiple messages are spread over the interwebz about both Velvet Cacoon and Clair Cassis being split-up, I have to say that after three Clair Cassis EP's in such a short time, I am saturated. The two EP's released after the first were even a bit superfluous to be fair. For now I am waiting for the new Sleeping Peonies album to arrive, same style, different implementation, I am really really curious.

As mentioned in the description above, Luxury Absolute hasn't yet been released, that's why I will include the download link Khrysanthoney published on their website. For everyone who likes getting raped at night, as long as it's in luxury.

Loukoumia > Rosewater Cake



  1. im pretty sure angela is a real person, there are pictures of her and josh out there (the insides of Genevieve clearly show a female as well as who we can assume is josh).

    regardless, this is a good album

  2. I don´t really doubt her existence, probably being Josh' girlfriend, but I doubt her muscial contribution to both Clair Cassis and Velvet Cacoon. It might be true, but it would fit the whole Clair Cassis romance idea a bit too well if there were girls involved. That's why I will, for now at least, assume he is the only member, he is the inly one I am sure of.

  3. oh ok. i figure you meant actually existing. you might be right, although in interviews (which who knows how true they are given velvet cacoons shadowy character) josh has stated that angela does indeed play some instruments. i remember a part where he mentioned she used to play violin or something like that. but like i said, who knows what is true and what is false when concerning these two. they certainly are interesting people though. i'd love to be able to meet them one day

  4. Someone shared with me the idea that Angela = Korouva, makes sense.

  5. could be very possible. it really does make sense considering the history. although why she would go and "steal" her own music is somewhat absurd, unless it was only to stir up controversy

  6. Yes, for promotional purposes probably. I otherwise don´t see why you would steal music from a very unknown project from your own city.

  7. yea, that would seem a little counter-productive. but people are known to do things like that just to get their name out there


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