Sunday, March 13, 2011

Review: Noah and the Whale - Last Night on Earth

Artist: Noah and the Whale
Title: Last Night on Earth
Format: Full-length
Year: 2011
Label: Vertigo Records
Genre: Folky pop/rock
Rating: 66 / 100

Ever since this new album leaked onto the interwebz, there was almost a wave of criticism for this record, curious as I am I gave this new Noah and the Whale album a spin. I must say it isn't by far as renewing as the first two albums; Peaceful, the World Lays Me Down and The First Days of Spring, on the other hand, it isn't as bad as most of the people seem to say it is. It is very different from the sunny folk pop heard on the first album, and the more melancholic sound of the second album. This time they included some electronic beats, which were so surprising, I had to check at the first track whether this was really Noah and the Whale (I shit you not). Normally when I say surprising it is meant as being a good thing, in this case it was a really bad surprise to be honest. Noah and the Whale, computer produced beats and synthesizers just don't go along very well.

Some people compared this new Noah and the Whale album to Bruce Springsteen, this comparison, especially when listening to L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N, is actually pretty accurate. For the rest of the album a bit less, but they are definitely moving towards a more Bruce Springsteen type of pop/rock sound. Since I absolutely hate Bruce's music, it would be a huge improvement if he and his E-street Band were the ones to release this album, but come on, this is Noah and the Whale, they released two albums I love so much. This one is a bit of a disappointment compared to those earlier albums, when you listen to the album itself although, not looking at the band that released it, it isn't that bad. In that particular case, it's a somewhat average pop/rock album with some folky and some more electronic influences.

Saying this, I don't really hate, nor really like this new Noah and the Whale record. In these days, when there is such an overload of albums coming out every week, I am afraid this will sink deep into the grey mass of mediocrity. Fortunately they released two very enjoyable records before sinking away, and maybe, some day, they will find themselves back in the studio recording a third one. For now, I will just hope that intro of Life is Life will not cause any nightmares, it was almost as frightening as hearing Sigur Rós announcing a reggae album.

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