Thursday, March 24, 2011

Review: Smith Westerns - Dye It Blonde

Artist: Smith Westerns
Title: Dye It Blonde
Format: Full-length
Year: 2011
Label: Fat Possum
Genre: Post-glam (omg, such a hip genre name, should definitely arouse some people with large black glasses.)
Rating: 73 / 100

Smith Westerns' self-titled debut was definitely one of the best garage records to come out in 2009. 30 minutes of distorted drums, guitars, vocals and yes, even distorted synths. Smith Westerns was a powerful introduction to their lo-fi simple garage rock sound many seemed to love. Somewhere in 2010 they decided to leave the garage and visit a proper studio together with producer Chris Coady. There is very little wrong with career changes and renewing yourself, but in the case of lo-fi garage bands, I don't really see why it is necessary. Most people (like me) like it so much because of that unpolished, pure rock sound. Production really isn't something to worry about when you play music like Smith Westerns do, unfortunately they did, resulting in Dye It Blonde, something which could almost be described as a modern glam rock album, probably even inspired by T. Rex.

Now I can almost hear you screaming your lungs out, asking me whether this really is a bad album? The most simple answer I will be able to offer you is: "No". It was just a bit of a shock to discover one of my favourite garage bands changed their style from something which was close to noise pop to something so polished and even radio-friendly they could easily be the opening act for the new Peter Bjorn and John tour. Now, I have to admit I actually enjoyed Peter Bjorn and John's last album, and likewise, I have to admit I also enjoyed this new Smith Westerns album. It was a bit more difficult than the last one, but after all it's a very decent pop album containing some fairly catchy tunes.

Some songs on this record are actually single-worthy, so much even, they actually released the first song of this album: Weekend as a single, I would personally have preferred Imagine Pt. 3 for it's amazing cathiness, but Weekend will do fine for me too. Saying this, rating this album being a pop album would be much easier, because after all, it is pretty decent pop music with a little raw edge reminding of the few years they spent in their garages. Rating this as a Smith Westerns album is just very hard because I don't know what to think about their sudden change in sound. That's I will go for the first option, and just rate it like it is the debut album of some new American rock band.

Sit down in the grass and enjoy the sunlight of early spring, while doing so, please try to spread some love,


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